BCF Youth Group 2024

Parent/Guardian Information

Release of Liability

By signing this waiver form, I grant permission for the child named above to participate in and engage in the Blackfoot Christian Fellowship youth group events.  My child is physically and mentally able to participate in these activities, unless I have already discussed it with one of the leaders.  I acknowledge that there are certain risks involved in said activities, and have discussed them with my child if necessary.  
I release Blackfoot Christian Fellowship, its affiliates, volunteers, and employees of all responsibilities for any injuries, to body or property, which may occur to my child during the course of these activities.  In the event of an emergency in which I, or the alternate contact, cannot be reached, I authorize the adult leaders to make medical decisions for my child, and to administer first aid if deemed necessary.
I further agree to indemnify and hold harmless Blackfoot Christian Fellowship and its affiliates, volunteers, and employees of any and all claims arising from the participation of my child in activities or as a result of injury or illness of my child or mine during such activities.
I have read the Permission/Waiver Form and I am fully aware of its contents.  I give permission for the child named above to participate fully in the activities of Blackfoot Christian Fellowship.