
"For where your treasure is, there your heart will be also."

- Matthew 6:21

Why we give.

Giving is a natural part of the believer’s life. We give because we’ve been given to so generously, first and foremost in the sacrifice of Christ for our salvation. We recognize that all that we have truly belongs to God, and we give a portion as an act of obedience and worship.

Giving supports the ministry of the church as we aim to help people connect, grow and serve. We thank you for giving generously so we can do the same!

Ways To Give

Give Online

You can give online by using the form on this page, without the hassle of writing a check or the expense of mailing a check.  Giving in this way does incur a processing fee, which you can choose to cover or not.

Give In Person

We have offering boxes in the back of the church sanctuary where tithes and offering can be placed when you visit us in person.

Mail A Check

You can also mail checks to the church at:
2550 Rose Road
Blackfoot, ID 83221
We appreciate your generosity and desire to support our mission to help people follow Jesus!