Small Groups

"...they devoted themselves to meeting together - and broke bread from house to house.  They ate their food with joyful and sincere hearts..."
Acts 2:46 (CSB)


Mondays at 7 PM

This small group is geared toward those with questions about the Bible and Christianity.  Bring any questions that you have and we will study how the Bible answers those questions.


Tuesdays at 6:30 PM

Our study ended for the summer. We will pick back up in September. Until then, feel free to email Pastor Kevin if you have questions.  


Thursday at 6:30 PM

We meet weekly to study the Bible in our home.


Fridays from 10 AM - 12PM

This ladies small group is currently doing a book study on "Living With the True God."  This book contains lessons from the book of Judges.


1st & 3rd Saturdays at 6:30 PM

This is a small group that digs deeper into the Biblical text that is used during Sunday sermons.  We are currently in the book of Jeremiah.  The group meets twice per month.

2nd & 4th Saturdays at 6:30 PM

This small group digs deeper into the Biblical texts from the Sunday sermons.  We are currently studying the book of Jeremiah.  The group meets twice per month.


Sundays after 2nd service (Once per month)

LDS quesions?  You can be out of the LDS church for years and still feel confused about what Christians believe, how it's different, and why it's important.  This group is meant to help answer questions and provid support for people who have left the LDS church.  Gatherings are meant to be informal and family friendly.  Bring questions or send them in ahead of time.  The first meeting for this group will be on June 25th.

Sundays at 6 PM

Seniors small group that is currently walking through the book of Romans.  This group is not currently able to fit anymore people in the home they are meeting at, but feel free to speak with Ron and Catherine Raulston for information about any free space that might open up in the group.